Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Emptiness, IL, 60605

Return to me.


As spring returns to winter every year

and in his cold embrace deposits thawning seeds

transforming darkness into light, with grace.

Return to me.


As if my arms your absence never felt

my light stays on at night for you to see

the window open to facilitate your breathing

my sheets your ever-calling exploratory sea.

Return to me.


As if this world were not senteced to die

as if the years before us were lined with pregnant promises

as if our children could still plough and seed this blesséd earth.

Return to me.

Just this.

As if our lives would last forever -or

as if my dying breath were yours -and

up in heaven

all at once

the light you nourish in your womb

could give this world a chance.

Tuesday, June 13, 2006

A questa Serra

Suspended on a mile of steel

the night of the twelfth of June of the year two thousand and six

I’ve come to realize that the distance between Truth 

and human  understanding

is as long as the Brooklyn Bridge.

I’m proud of this stretch (as Mayakovsky had once been),

straddling the boroughs on its wires, 

with nothing that’s non-manufactured in sight. 

This piece of steel is my daily bread.

Isn’t that what you’ d have me believe, Richard?

And, admittedly, I’m love with your sheering edges and your massive 


your strapping, proud volumes.

And their surface -oh the surface!- abrasive, primitive, and coarse.

So, would you have me scrape my smooth face against it?

Would devotion require blood, like with you-know-whom?

How appropriate that your slabs bleed too, that they get scuffed

and etched upon, graffiti-ed, spat, and pissed upon.

Denounced in demeaning disgrace.

For you should know, Richard,

that genius is never quiet.

And that the Brooklyn Bridge may be long,

but not quite long enough

to sustain us into eternity.

Tuesday, June 06, 2006


What a perfect evening for torture!

The night over Avenue A smells of heat
Loudspeaking pavements throb with music,
my pores rythmically open to its
whetting my appetite.
Addictions are hard to forgo.

New step
I try to recall
what it feels like to be in your presence:
The paralysing entirety of you.

New step
Your face resonates
the promise that
with you
I will be finally undone.

That, henceforth
Look up. Stars!
my hand in writing
and my brush in painting
will be guided.
New step
That you will awake within me
an eternal, self-transcending, universal (un)consciousness;
The seat of godliness.

Hot hot hot hot heat.

You're an illusion.

Quickening steps
1st St
2nd. 3rd.
Break into run
10th St

I try to scrap you clean off my mind
but like a bloodied bandage you cling to my wound
sinking your teeth in it
Run for your life
11th 12th streets
devouring newly formed tissues
making it bleed anew whenever I try to rip you right off it.
Exhale. Catch breath. Turn left.

What is the price of my release?

Towards the crowds. Towards Union Sq. Towards oblivion.

Take this land, this island of Manhattan.
step, step, step,
It's yours by right, by wrong, by virtue of existence.
inhale, exhale, sweat
Take me. Selfless yet victorious in abandon.
Humble, in your presence
final traffic light turning red,
cross streat
jump over barrier
lose myself into the crowd

You can't find me here.

By request

You asked-
for the softness of sadness
It's gray-
I said
you said-

You asked-
for the crispness at monrings
It stings-
I complained
So what?-
you replied

You asked-
the unbalancing element
to balance the risk
of being apart from each other
I said
and I offered you this
in place of my kissing you, lover